Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May Jesus and Mary be in your souls.
I am writing to you as we prepare to enter the Holy Season of Lent; a...
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you may be aware, Pope Francis has been hospitalized at Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he has been since 14 February. His Holiness is...
「全國維護生命遊行 2025」活動將於本年5 月8 日在渥太華舉行。哥倫布騎士會全力支持這活動,並籌募往返渥太華的交通經費。遊行活動目的乃為保護未出生的嬰兒,處於懷孕危機中的母親,因殘疾而被成為目標的人,病患及年老的弱勢群體的可貴生命。
籌款日期為 : 3 月15、16 及 22、23 日 (彌撤前後)。請教友在當天到大堂特定攤位索取報名資料及捐款。
March for Life 2025
相關資訊: https://marchforlife.ca
The National March for Life 2025 is scheduled on...
We are excited that you are responding to God's calling on joining this spiritual deepening path. Our ministry’s mission is to honour the eucharist and deepen youth’s faith through Altar Service. We believe that it...
退稅收據地址堂區多謝教友過去一年來之捐献,亦將簽發退稅收據,供報稅之用。由於收據上列出捐献人之姓名及地址,如有任何更改,請於 12 月 22 日前到堂區辦事處填寫表格,以免影響報稅。
Address on Tax Receipt & RegistrationThe Parish wishes to thank you for your generous donations, and will issue tax receipt(s) for tax return purposes. Your name and address...
2024 Fundraising Variety Show The Parish Pastoral Planning Council wishes to thank the Organizing Committee, the Production Team and all the performers of the annual fundraising Variety Show which was successfully presented. Thanks are...
本堂將於 11 月 16 及 17 日的各台彌撒中為「牧者基金」收取特別奉獻。此基金乃神父的退休基金,請各教友把握這個好機會,向那些長年駐守著天主的聖殿、並不斷關心著我們、為我們服務的神長致上無限的謝意。這些捐獻不僅僅是為支持神父們的退休生活,也是我們感謝得到祝福的實際表示。 請大家踴躍支持,慷慨捐獻!
Shepherds’ Trust
As parishioners, we have reaped the benefits of our priests’ unselfish service to ourselves and our families...
北區主教 Bishop Boissonneau 將於 10 月 27 日蒞臨本堂,於中午 12 時的彌撒中為新任本堂張少麟神父舉行就職典禮。請大家為張神父祈禱。
Installation Mass for Fr. Francis ChongBishop John Boissonneau will be celebrating the Installation Mass for Fr. Francis Chong at 12 noon on October 27. Please continue to pray...
Each year, local churches are invited to nominate altar servers who display a sense of responsibility, leadership, and dedication to their duties. Congratulations to Carmen Fong, Chloe Chan, Nicole Li, Charlotte Wong, Samantha Chang, Allison Chow, and Karis Tang for...