Altar - Ordinary Time

網上預約參與彌撒 / Register for Mass

[ English |  中文 ]

從 2022 年 4月9、10日聖枝主日開始,教友參與彌撒,可以自由入座。不再需要提前網上預約。 堂區屆時並恢復穿梭巴士服務。


[ English |  中文 ]

Starting from Palm Sunday (April 9/10, 2022), advance online registration for Mass will no longer be required, parishioners may sit in freely and shuttle bus service will then resume.
Please be reminded to use hand sanitization and have your temperature check upon entering the church. You’re strongly encouraged to wear a mask within the church premises. Kindly follow ushers’ instruction when lining up for Holy Communion. Thank you for your co-operation!