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Parish Bulletin Editorial Team


堂區通訊組負責編製每週之堂區通訊,由陳聰敏神父領導,組員乃本堂神父邀請堂區教友擔任,現時有組員三人,再加上辦事處之 Michelle Fan 合共五人。堂區通訊於每個主日彌撒前後派發,通訊組通常於每星期三早上開會,決定該期通訊之內容,編輯善會及其他機構交來之稿件,定稿於每星期四交印刷商印製。由於堂區通訊是中、英雙語印製,而來稿包括靈修片語、教宗祈禱意向及聖召祈禱意向均是中或英文,故通訊組員亦須負責翻譯工作。

The Parish Bulletin Editorial Team is led by Fr. Philip Tan and consists of 3 members by invitation of the Parish Pastor, plus Michelle Fan from the Parish Office, i.e. a total of five persons. The Team usually meets every Wednesday morning to decide on the content of that week’s issue, to edit all articles from parish ministries as well as other institutions. The finalized version will be sent to the printer on Thursday and distributed before and after all Sunday masses. As the Bulletin is published in both Chinese and English and many of the articles, including the Spiritual Corner, Holy Father’s Prayer Intention and the Vocation only come in one language, members of the Team would have to undertake the translation work as well.