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Knights of Columbus

​屬會 #15176    Council #15176

KOC logo哥倫布騎士會聖曹桂英堂屬會 #15176 在2010年由陳思定神父帶領下正式成立。哥倫布騎士會的兄弟以愛德行動去實踐哥倫佈騎士會的核心理念,即行善、團結、友愛和效忠。騎士會也需要熱心的教友及主內的兄弟姊妹們的參與和支持。騎士們積極參與多項堂區及外展慈善服務,例如 Out of the Cold, 和 Good Shepherd Meal。Good Shepherd Meal 位於多倫多市中心區,每天提供免費膳食和住宿給流浪者或有需要人士,尤其是食物。為響應他們,騎士會發起每月一次的 “愛心雞飯“ 和每月的第二個星期二下午安排教友到善牧中心飯堂作送餐服務。

每年兩次的聖雲先會(St. Vincent de Paul) 收集衣物行動,由於獲得堂區教友熱烈支持,在兩星期的收集行動中需動用兩大卡車。在感恩節期間騎士兄弟都在教堂為善牧中心的食物銀行收集食物。過去幾年騎士會都參與加拿大輪椅基金籌款運動。一年一度的堂區籌款綜合晚會,騎士會亦必然參與演出。長久以來騎士會都積極參與社區不同的仁愛活動,如馬拉松步行籌款、反對墮胎合法、支持和協助幹細胞團體在堂區內推廣和宣傳活動等;並鼎力支持及提供教區內各堂區需要的榮譽警衛隊服務  (Honour Guards Service) 和其他社區活動,如堂區的聖母像巡遊,每年安省的米蘭朝聖彌撒,加拿大國慶巡遊等。

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The Knights of Columbus Council #15176 was officially established under the guidance of Father Augustine Chan in October 2010. Our members came from the four Chinese parishes in Toronto and GTA. We were active in supporting many charitable events and fighting for the rights and justice of the underprivileged. 

The SATCC Knights of Columbus Council #15176 Brothers have embraced the 4 main principles of our Order to carry out Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism in our activities. 

Throughout the year we organised collection of food and clothing for the hungry and the poor on behalf of the Good Shepherd Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul Society. We also raised money to provide wheelchairs for the third world countries through the Canadian Wheelchair Foundation. Our overwhelming success in the wheelchair campaign has bestowed us with the highest fundraising award from the Canadian Wheelchair Society three years in a row. Other activities include honor guard parade in the Mary Lake Rosary path consecration Mass, marathon walk for the FLL /Scotia walk, stem cell match campaign, Midland pilgrimage, Canada Day parade , the Markham Civic Center Queen’s Jubilee Ceremony to name a few.