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Sunday School


於 5月28日 及 6月4日 (兩個主日) 接受辦理 2023 至 2024 年度學生登記手續,學生必須為已領洗的本堂登記教友。開課日期為 9月 9日 (星期六) 及 9月10日 (主日)。

Sunday School 2023

Sunday School - Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word offers children, ages from 4 – 12, the opportunity to listen and respond to the Sunday scripture readings and Gospel, which are proclaimed and explained to them at an age-appropriate level.  It intends to enrich the children’s understanding of the Word of God, and to respond to His Word generously in their life.

Liturgy of the Word is the first half of the Mass when God speaks to us through Scripture and Gospel. In order to allow children to fully participate in the Liturgy pertinent to their age, S.A.T.C.C. Sunday School/Children’s Liturgy is divided into 3 levels, Junior (4-6 years), Intermediate (7-9 years) and Senior (10-12 years).  Children, therefore, take part in the Liturgy designed to suit their capacity. Its purpose is to reveal the deeper meaning of the Gospel and allow children to experience the joy of relating to God, the Creator, who has done such marvellous things in Jesus and in us as well.  The Scriptures are the Word of God and understanding the Word is the foundation of our faith, the hope of life, and the source of love to receive and share.

Supplementary faith-related topics will be taught to broaden children’s knowledge of the rich traditions of the Catholic Church, lives of the saints, the Mass, Liturgical calendar, sacraments, etc. After class, children will reunite with their families for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Note: S.A.T.C.C. Sunday School operates from September to end of June of the following year which is in line with York Catholic District School Board calendar for Holidays.

For inquiries, please feel free to contact us:

Sunday School


Updated: May 2023