本堂將於 2 月 18 日 (星期日) 假萬錦廣場金廷宴舉行農曆新年團拜聚餐。當晚有表演、遊戲及抽奬。晚上 6 時恭候,7 時入席。餐券 60 元正,四歲至十八歲青少年半價,名額有限,先到先得。三歲或以下不佔座位孩童免費。餐劵將於 1 月 27 日下午 3 時 30 分開始發售。歡迎各位教友偕同親友出席,共慶新春!
Chinese New Year Celebration
A dinner party will be held on Sunday, February 18 at Golden Palace Banquet Hall (First Markham Place) at 6:00pm to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Tickets @$60 will be for sale starting January 27 at 3:30pm. Half price for 4 to 18 years-old, but these seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Children 3-years-old or under who do not occupy a seat are free. Parishioners, their families and friends are welcome.