Join us for an unforgettable night on Sunday, July 6th, 2025, at Crystal Fountain as we celebrate our first-ever Youth Gala hosted by Youth Ministry. Tickets are $60 per person for youth aged 12+ and will be on sale from March 22 to April 6 (weekends only). Tickets are limited, so get them soon! Enjoy music, games, food, and more as we come together to have fun and recognize the achievements of our youth. Visit our booth for details, and share the information with friends and family.
青年聯歡晚會 Igniting Youth Gala
青年組將於本年 7 月6 日 (星期日) 在 Crystal Fountain Event Venue (60 McDowell Gate, Markham) 舉辦首次青年聯歡晚會,當晚有豐富晚餐,遊戲等活動。餐券每位 60 元正,歡迎 12 歲或以上青少年報名參加。餐劵在本週主日和下兩個主日彌撒後在大堂發售,名額有限,先到先得。詳情請到大堂攤位查詢。