「全國維護生命遊行 2025」活動將於本年5 月8 日在渥太華舉行。哥倫布騎士會全力支持這活動,並籌募往返渥太華的交通經費。遊行活動目的乃為保護未出生的嬰兒,處於懷孕危機中的母親,因殘疾而被成為目標的人,病患及年老的弱勢群體的可貴生命。
相關資訊: https://marchforlife.ca
The National March for Life 2025 is scheduled on May 8 in Ottawa. To protect the unborn, mothers in risk of pregnancy, targeted disability individuals, terminally ill and weakened old age precious lives, the Knights of Columbus is in full support of this pro-life event. To support the transportation to Ottawa, a fund-raising activity will be conducted in the parish hall on the following dates:
Details can be found in the Church foyer poster.
Relevant Information: https://marchforlife.ca