Anyone who would like to join the Laity of St. Dominic should be a fervent Catholic, polite, prayerful, respectful to the liturgies, loyal to the Pope, in full acceptance of the great value of their vocation, determined to live by this style throughout their whole life. Such style requires an active commitment to the gospel spirit, high moral standard, resistance to worldly temptations, selfconstraint, the ability to assist others and to enrich their enthusiasm in spirituality.
The main benefits of being a lay Dominican are as follows:
It had been repeatedly emphasized in Vatican II: “Every Catholic, despite his/her status and situation, has been called by God, disregard the way he/she has chosen, to completely sanctify himself/ herself and to amplify God’s perfection.” “Everyone should proceed without hesitation on the path of faith in accordance with his/her blessings and duties. Their faith will provoke hope and work through love…Believers, by their own life style, status and situation, and with the spirit of faith, receiving from God the Father all things and working in cooperation with the divine will of God, will be able to reveal God’s love for mankind through their secular services, and they will grow in spirituality every day.”
The Lay Dominican provides every member a concrete plan for sanctification: “Catholics, whether married or single, in sickness, or engaging in their profession or any kind of work in the community, do possess certain characteristics in their spiritual life. Making the best use of the graces from the Holy Spirit, they should be able to cultivate their talents in accordance with the quality and ability of their particular status. Besides, Catholics, in response to such special vocations, should participate in every group or community that has been endorsed by the Church, trying their best to faithfully accomplish the special spiritual life as members of that particular community.”
Sr. Magdalena Yang
<Based on writings of Fr. P. Nerira OP >
Related Blog (Posted Dec-13-2024) : Spiritual Corner - About the Lay Dominicans (I)