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  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 世人的公平與天主的慷慨
    Posted: Sep-22-2023
    多勞多得,少勞少得,不勞不得,這一原則是社會通行的,人們有權利得到與他們付出的勞動相應的報酬,人的標準就是這一公平原則。但是,在天主的救恩面前,這一公平原則就不適用了,因為天主的標準卻是仁慈慷慨。 本主日的福音是葡萄園雇工的比喻。葡萄園的主人在一天裡的不同時間,分別雇傭了不同的工人去工作, 並且約定會按照公義該給的而付工資。一天的工作結束,每個工人都得到了同樣的工資:一個德納。這一價錢, 相比較於市場價格而言,是公道的。但是,在這一群工人內部,卻引起了不滿:少工作的竟然與多工作的獲得相同的報酬,不公平! 天主的救恩就是這樣的「不公平」,因為在世上,報酬是要靠著付出勞力賺取的,但是為天國,救恩是天主因著祂的慷慨而白白賞賜的,並不需要人去付出什麼來賺取。這樣,一個人在其他人的眼中,就算是一無是處、毫無價值,在天主眼中也是一個值得愛、值得慷慨對待的子女。 但是,如果是這樣的話...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Secular Fairness and God’s Generosity
    Posted: Sep-22-2023
    More work more pay, less work less pay, no work no pay, this is a general principle in the community, people have the right to get remuneration equivalent to the effort they contribute, and this is fairness in human terms...
  • St. Michael the Archangel
    Feast of the Archangels
    Posted: Sep-18-2023
    With the upcoming Feast of the Archangels on September 29, Fr. Andrew Summerson, Assistant Professor of Greek Patristics and Eastern Christian Studies at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at the University of St. Michael's College...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 我亦應當寛恕
    Posted: Sep-15-2023
    寛恕說似容易。「你寛恕我而我亦會原諒你。」但我們都知道,說是一回事,實行起來則是叧一回事。每天均有家庭因誤會而分裂。忿怒越深,則越一發不可收拾。 每個人都會為自己辯護。每個人都會感到自己很公平公正,但他們不是;他們寛容,但他們並沒有寛恕別人;他們是對的,而別人當然永遠都是錯的。 要寛恕先要學會如何愛人,而學習愛人的唯一方法就是透過錯誤。當你犯錯後,應要緊記所犯之錯處。否則,你將會一再重犯。 說「我是對的」往往是很危險的事,因為「我是對的」破壞愛人的力量。它是妄自尊大的行為,因為無人可以說:「我永不犯錯。我從未殘忍至羞辱他人,令他們感到痛苦。」每個人都是罪人。罪人就是拒絕愛人,或從不在乎去愛人。 耶穌說:「假如你不寛恕別人,在你犯罪時,怎樣可以要求天父寛恕你呢?」答案是如果你想被寛恕...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- I, Too, Must Forgive
    Posted: Sep-15-2023
    Forgiveness sounds so easy. ““Forgive me and I forgive you.” But all of us know that saying it is one thing and actually doing it is quite another. Every day, families break up over misunderstandings. Angers go...
  • A man kneels in a church while praying the rosary
    Life-Giving Wounds
    Posted: Sep-12-2023
    Life-Giving Wounds: A Healing Retreat for Adult Children of Divorced and Separated Parents is being offered at St. Francis Centre in Caledon from September 29 to October 1. For information and to register, please visit The Saint Monica Institute...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 愛,美滿生活的關鍵
    Posted: Sep-09-2023
    在今天的福音中,耶穌向我們展示了一幅充滿 愛及關懷的團體的美麗影像。它說明了我們該如何 建立真正的基督徒團契。 如果有人誤入歧途,我們必須以兄弟之愛接近他,將他帶回正軌。我們絶不應譴責他或指責他的錯誤行為,而必須與他面談,讓他確信我們對他的關愛。福音建議我們本著兄弟般的勸誡精神,悄悄地、私下地面對面去解決,重建破裂的關係。如果這辦法不行,則建議我們與一些智者一起去見他,讓他意識到整個團體都很關心他,希望他能回歸。 耶穌在福音中強調了祈禱的力量。他說:「如果兩個或三個人一起禱告,天父就會垂聽他們。」這對於那些祈求耶穌本人會在他們中間並參 與他們的祈禱乃是最好的保證。猶太人對團體祈禱 抱有極大的信心。經上寫道:「當兩個人坐下來學 習律法時,上主的榮耀就在他們中間。」團體祈禱 可以結束爭吵並帶來團結。盟約、團體、仁慈、寬 恕是這個宗教的特徵。這一切的經驗使我們的生活 變得快樂...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - Love, Key to Life in Fullness
    Posted: Sep-09-2023
    In today’s Gospel Jesus presents to us the beautiful picture of a community of members filled with love and concern. It illustrates how we can establish true Christian fellowship. If somebody goes astray, we must approach him with...
  • WYD 2023
    A Pilgrim’s Reflections on World Youth Day
    Posted: Aug-11-2023
    Michelle Pacheco, Mission Development Coordinator for OCY Missionaries at the Office of Catholic Youth, was one of the more than 5,000 Canadian pilgrims that journeyed to Lisbon, Portugal, to celebrate World Youth Day from August 2 to 6. Below...
  • Pope Saint John Paul II
    Reflections on World Youth Day Toronto 2002: A Journey of Faith, Awe and Inspiration
    Posted: Aug-04-2023
    As this year’s World Youth Day unfolds in Lisbon, Mary Lou Laramee from Pickering, Ont. reflects on her experience at World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto – recounting various moments during this extraordinary event. From the arrival of...
  • Lake in Summer
    Renew, Recharge and Journey: Retreat Centres to Visit this Summer
    Posted: Jul-26-2023
    Summer is a great time to sit back and relax. Long, warm and bright summer days really allow us to enjoy the season – especially after so many months in the cold. It’s also an ideal opportunity to...
  • Iqaluit
    Reflections on the Papal Visit, One Year Later
    Posted: Jul-25-2023
    Written by John Ecker One year ago, Pope Francis made his penitential pilgrimage to Canada. The theme of his visit was "Walking Together." At the outset of his journey, in Maskwacis, Alberta, His Holiness said, "I am sorry. I ask...
  • WYD nonna
    A Joyful Encounter Between the Young and Old
    Posted: Jul-21-2023
    The World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated on Sunday July 23, close to the Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Pope Francis “renews his invitation to everyone – dioceses, parishes, associations...
  • Douglas family
    The Gift of Grandparenthood
    Posted: Jul-19-2023
    Archdiocese of Toronto parishioner Cindy Tracey, a grandmother of 24 (soon to be 25) grandkids, reflects on her unique role in light of the third World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly on July 23. Cindy's...
  • Michael BR
    From the GTA to Martyrs' Shrine: A Pilgrim's Journey
    Posted: Jul-06-2023
    Totus Tuus Summer Camps are returning to 20 parishes throughout the archdiocese this month. The camps, geared toward youth ages 6-18, are facilitated by faithful young adult “missionaries” who receive several weeks of formation and training. It...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 不死的靈魂
    Posted: Jun-23-2023
    主說:「我就是復活,就是生命;信從我的,即使死了,仍要活著;凡活著而信從我的人,必永遠不死。」(若十一:25-26)生和死是每個人終究要面對的,沒有人可以逃避死亡。世上所有的宗教,唯有基督宗教確切告訴世人---死後究竟到哪裡去,以及靈魂不死也不滅。 在《不死的靈魂》(Meine Erlebnisse mit Armen Seelen)書中,煉靈藉由瑪利亞.辛馬提醒世人說:『只有在往生之後,你們才會知道生前的每一年、每一天、 每一小時所做的事會為你們帶來什麼後果,或你們可以做些什麼事為自己帶來善果。只有到那時候,你們才會明白,自己如何虛度了生命。因此,我們應該趁活著時多做好事。如果人們知道往生是怎麼回事的話,他們會盡所有的力量,為另一個生命的開始做好準備...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner --The Immortal Soul
    Posted: Jun-23-2023
    Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life: whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11: 25-26) Life and death are...
  • Julia and Adam Kozak
    Recognizing Dignity on National Indigenous Peoples Day
    Posted: Jun-20-2023
    Julia and Adam Kozak, a married couple involved in bridge-building and peacemaking with Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, reflect on National Indigenous Peoples Day. Adam, a Lay Pastoral Associate and musician, was the National Project Manager for the Programs...
  • megan freitas wedding
    Sacred Heart of Jesus Highlights God’s Generous Love on the Journey to Marriage
    Posted: Jun-19-2023
    Megan Séas, a parishioner of the Archdiocese of Toronto, chronicles below her journey to marriage at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in the town of Paray-Le-Monial in France.  1. How did you come to...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 我信唯一的天主
    Posted: Jun-16-2023
    一位八十多歲的資深傳道員,仍然努力教授信仰道理及負責讀經,她的精神可以是後輩的榜樣。她自己卻說:「一切是天主的恩寵。人在出生時,兩手抓得緊緊的小拳頭,其實是空的,甚麼也沒有。人走時,兩手掌伸開,也是空的,甚麼也帶不走。現在有的一切都是天主的賞賜及恩寵,如果沒有天主,憑自己,能有甚麼?感恩,我很感恩。一切都不是憑我自己能力能做到的。」 若望福音 2 章 1~5 節加納婚宴:『…在加里肋亞加納有婚宴,耶穌的母親在那裡;耶穌和他的門徒也被請去赴婚宴。酒缺了,耶穌的母親向祂說:「他們沒有酒了。」耶穌回答說:「女人,這於我和你有什麼關係?我的時刻尚未來到。」祂的母親給僕役說:「祂無論吩咐你們什麼,你們就作什麼...