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善牧中心 - 捐贈食物 / Good Shepherd Ministries - Thanksgiving Food Drive
善牧中心 - 捐贈食物
哥倫布騎士會將於 9月24日至10月9日 為 善牧中心 Good Shepherd 收集食物, 所需食品包括各種西式罐頭、吞拿魚、早餐麥片、意大利粉、米、茶包及果醬等 。捐贈食物請放入大堂特設紙箱內。多謝教友大力支持!
Good Shepherd Ministries - Thanksgiving Food Drive
Knights of Columbus will be collecting non-perishable food such as tuna, breakfast cereals, tea bags, rice...
Collection for Catholic Missions in Canada
Catholic Missions In Canada
本堂將在8月13、14日各臺彌撒中,為 Canadian Missions 收取特別奉獻。請教友利用放置在跪凳內的特別信封,踴躍捐助。
Our Parish will be collecting donations for Canadian Missions during all masses on August 13 & 14. Please use the special envelopes available in the pews and give...
Living the Gospel Through ShareLife
The weekend of Sunday, March 27 is the first ShareLife parish special collection of 2022. ShareLife is one of the principal ways that the Archdiocese of Toronto lives by the Gospel by helping our neighbours in need. Below, Arthur Peters...
Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief
本堂於 3 月12及13日彌撒中特別為受戰爭災害的烏克蘭收取特別奉獻。教友請利用特備之信封慷慨捐獻及為災民祈禱。多謝!
Our Parish will be collecting donations during masses on March 12 & 13 to assist Ukraine which has been plunged into war after the Russian invasion. Please use the special envelopes for your offerings and...
Prayer, Fasting and Alms for Ukraine
In response to the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, Pope Francis has announced a “Day for Fasting and Peace” to take place on Ash Wednesday, March 2.
“I encourage believers in a special way to dedicate themselves intensely...
Remember a Gift for ShareLife This Christmas
As we enter a new stage of the pandemic, we may feel tempted to despair. But Advent is a season of hope – a hope that invites the Lord to transform our hearts and, through us, our communities. We can...
Donation for World Mission Sunday 2021
堂區將於 10 月23及24 日於各台彌撒中為 World Mission Sunday 收取奉獻,教友可把獻儀放在特備的信封內。請大家踴躍捐助。多謝!
Our Parish will be collecting donations for World Mission Sunday on Oct.23 & 24. Kindly use the special envelopes for your offerings and thank you for your continued...
ShareLife Special Collection Weekend: October 2/3
There will be a special parish collections for ShareLife on October 2/3. We're currently at 63 per cent of our 2021 parish campaign goal, so if you are able, please give generously at your parish or on the...
海地地震及颱風賑災行動 / Humanitarian Relief – Natural Disasters in Haiti
可以透過 - Humanitarian Relief 作網上捐款,
又或致電 Development Office (416-934-3411) 認捐均可。
本堂區亦定於8月28及 29日各台彌撒中為此收取捐款。
支票捐獻,抬頭請以英文填寫: St. Agnes Tsao Catholic Church – Natural Disasters Haiti – Disaster Relief。
Humanitarian Relief – Natural Disasters in...
Update on CNEWA’s Work in Lebanon
On August 4, 2020, a terrible explosion rocked Beirut, Lebanon. In the blind of an eye, more than 200 people were dead and thousands were injured. The Archdiocese of Toronto quickly established a relief fund to support the victims, which...
印度新冠肺炎疫症救災行動 / Humanitarian Relief – India’s COVID-19 Outbreak
Please Help India During Its COVID-19 Outbreak
India is reeling from a devastating COVID-19 outbreak. In recent days, the country has been reporting more than 400,000 of new cases and 4,000 deaths every 24 hours. International observers expect that the actual numbers are significantly...
KOC Fundraising Campaign
聖曹桂英華人騎士屬會15176現已推動為支持善牧施濟會各項服務, 由現在直至五月尾籌集資金購買急需食物,住宿和醫療必須用品.
捐款方法: 支票 (支付給Good Shepherd Ministries) 或 電子轉帳到
凡$10或以上 善牧施濟會直接發回退稅收據. 謹請填妥捐款表 (可電郵 索取) 寄回堂區辦事處(註明 KOC 15176)或附回電郵到
你的善款帮助依靠善牧施濟會各項服務的弟兄姐妹能够生活下去. 主祐!
Knights of Columbus KY...
Your Community Needs ShareLife More than Ever
Sadly, we know that many members of our community are suffering greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sickness, lockdowns and layoffs have led to more anxiety, despair, addiction and abuse around the world.
Luckily, you can help by supporting ShareLife...
If You Are Struggling, Catholic Agencies Are Ready to Help
The Christmas season can be a difficult time for many people, but the COVID-19 pandemic will likely bring new challenges to what is supposed to be the happiest time of the year.
If you are experiencing loneliness, loss, depression...