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  • Sacred Heart of Jesus
    St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Posted: Jun-16-2022
    In light of June being the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, here’s a look at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the role she played in promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart – imagery that goes all...
  • POSAC Parenting Talk 0624
    親子會「當情緒來敲門」 工作坊
    Posted: Jun-09-2022
    本堂親子會「當情緒來敲門」講座於日前完滿結束,反應熱烈。現於六月廿四日再次邀請心理學博士 Dr. Helen Chen 及 Mr. Philip Lai ( 從事跨國企業人才發展培訓及顧問工作) 主持 「當情緒來敲門」<二> - 如何處理及與情緒相處 工作坊。活動日期為 六月廿四日 晚上八時至十時 以Zoom 形式舉行。內容融合理論、討論及互動練習,協助家長對自己的情緒管理有進一步了解,好讓建立一個更和諧、積極的公教家庭。 名額有限,曾參與 六月三日講座<一>之參加者優先報名。各參與者必需全程投入,積極參與討論及練習。報名...
  • For Love of the Church book launch
    For Love of the Church
    Posted: Jun-08-2022
    For Love of the Church is a book celebrating the life, teachings and achievements of Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, to create a “Catholic culture” actively engaged with the signs of the times. Following the “ecclesial...
  • Archdiocese of Toronto Logo
    Sunday Mass Obligation
    Posted: Jun-02-2022
    多倫多總教區通告 - 參與主日彌撒之本份 哥連斯樞機主教於2020年3月13日向總教區之教友發出通告,指有需要從那一週之主日開始取消公開舉行彌撒聖祭,並謂「從本週末開始,本人寬免教友參與主日彌撒之本份。」 鑑於本教區已取消實施大部份之.健康禁制措施,而教友亦可再次參與彌撒聖祭。寬免參與主日彌撒之原委亦已消失因而失效。 教會不會強人所難。假如個別人士有重大理由致未能參與主日彌撒,例如染疫之高危人士,又或正在自我隔離已免傳播病毒者,則他們可按教會之法規,獲免參與主日彌撒之本份。 經過兩年之新型冠狀疫情禁制,很多人均被剝奪參與彌撒及親領聖體之機會。我們全體均失卻參與團體包括堂區活動之機會。藉著慶祝聖神降臨之週末,我特敬邀並鼓勵教友親身參與彌撒聖祭。 Memo from the Archdiocese of Toronto - Sunday Mass Obligation On March 13, 2020, Cardinal Collins issued a communication...
  • Ministry of Lector delegation 2012
    Ministry of Lectors members recruitment 聖言宣讀組 招募新組員
    Posted: Jun-02-2022
    Ministry of Lectors is recruiting new members for Sunday English Mass. Applicants should be parishioners of 18 years of age or over who have received Confirmation. Those who are willing to serve are required to fill out and return the...
  • People worshipping at a Catholic Church
    Sunday Mass Obligation
    Posted: Jun-01-2022
    On March 13, 2020, Cardinal Collins issued a communication to the faithful of this archdiocese indicating that it was necessary to cancel public celebrations of the Eucharist on the coming Sunday, stating: “For this weekend and any other which...
  • Scouts Group Crest
    Posted: May-27-2022
    本堂烈治文山第六旅童軍,將於 6月5日主日在聖堂大堂特設攤位,向堂區教友介紹該旅團活動及招收下年度童軍並招募童軍領袖。
  • POSAC Hiking In The Forest
    Hiking In The Forest 親子行
    Posted: May-27-2022
    [6月2日更新 ] 「Hiking In The Forest 親子行」活動 現已額滿。多謝大家支持。 本堂親子會舉辦活動:「Hiking In The Forest 親子行」活動日期為 六月十二日(聖期日)下午2:30-4:30,地點為 York Region Forest (HWY 48 / South of Davis)。沿途加設導賞,介紹有關林中的生態環境。 讓我們一家大小輕鬆接觸大自然,在風聲鳥聲中,去認識堂區新家庭及欣賞感受天主奇妙的創造! 報名及查詢,請電郵至 satcc.parenting...
  • A priest lays on the ground during Holy Orders
    Clergy Changes 2022
    Posted: May-27-2022
    Below is the list of clergy changes for 2022.  RETIREMENT Msgr. Gregory Ace – June 29, 2022c/o Archdiocese of Toronto, 1155 Yonge Street, Suite 304, Toronto Rev. Victor Boiragi – June 29, 2022Our Lady of Grace MonasteryMarylake, PO...
  • Children Summer Bible Camp 2021
    兒童聖經歡樂營 Children Summer Bible Camp 2022
    Posted: May-19-2022
    本年度兒童聖經歡樂營將於 8月8日至12日 以實體形式舉行。6至12歲可以報名參加歡樂營,13至14歲的可以參加領袖訓練營。15歲或以上可以申請為歡樂營義工。報名表格及詳情可於下星期在堂區網頁下載,6月5日早上9時30分在大堂特設攤位開始接受報名。 Children Summer Bible Camp 2022 will be held in person on August 8 to August 12 this year. Children 6 to 12 years old may register for Summer Bible Camp, while those...
  • Jim Milway
    Communication from Cardinal Collins – Retirement of Jim Milway, Chancellor of Temporal Affairs
    Posted: May-16-2022
    To all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Jim Milway has indicated his desire to retire from the Archdiocese of Toronto as he approaches the end of his second term as Chancellor of Temporal Affairs. I have appreciated...
  • A silhouette of a woman's hand casting a ballot
    Cancelled: Ontario Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective
    Posted: May-14-2022
    Sadly, the Archdiocese of Toronto has made the difficult decision to cancel the Ontario Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective, which was planned to take place on Wednesday, May 18. It proved difficult to secure a candidate from one of...
  • Blessing of 830 Bathurst
    A New Satellite Office to Serve the Catholic Community
    Posted: May-13-2022
    On May 5, Cardinal Thomas Collins blessed the Archdiocese of Toronto’s new satellite office at 830 Bathurst St., just south of St. Peter’s Parish. The Paulist Fathers opened the Catholic Information Centre to attract new converts...
  • Pope Francis smiling and waving
    Catholic Bishops Welcome Announcement of Dates and Hub Cities for Papal Visit to Canada
    Posted: May-13-2022
    Earlier today, the Vatican formally announced that Pope Francis will travel to Canada from July 24-29, 2022. The historic visit, focused on Indigenous healing and reconciliation, will be the fourth papal journey to Canada and the first since Saint...
  • POSAC - Parenting Talk 2022-06-03
    親子會 活動 Parenting Group Activities
    Posted: May-11-2022
    本堂親子會有以下兩項活動: 本會邀請心理學博士Dr Helen Chen 主講「當情緒來敲門」講座,協助家長對自己及子女的情緒管理有進一步了解。活動將於 六月三日 (星期五)晚上 8時至 9時30分,以Zoom 形式舉行;粵語/英語講授,分享及討論。報名查詢,請電郵至 ,截止報名日期為五月三十日。我們會於講座前,通知各參加者詳細登入資料。 非常感謝堂區各家庭熱烈支持及參與 「大手小手畫石頭」活動,大家共投放超過 300 件石頭作品!石頭花園將擺放至 五月二十三日,請各位參與教友可於此日前取回自己的作品。
  • Deacon Ordination Mass poster
    晉陞執事彌撒聖祭 The Ordination Mass
    Posted: May-06-2022
    主徒會的王天偉修士及王新亮修士將於 6月17日 (星期五) 上午 10時於聖曹桂英堂晉陞執事。彌撒聖祭將由多倫多總主教多默哥連斯樞機主禮。教友可於 5月22日至 6月5日到 Eventbrite 網上登記參與彌撒。詳情請瀏覽此專頁。  Br. Matthew Tianwei Wang, CDD and Br. John B. Xinliang Wang, CDD will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on June 17 at 10:00...
  • ECCCLC logo
    加東華人天主教生活營義賣籌款 ECCCLC Bake Sale Fundraising
    Posted: May-06-2022
    加東華人天主教生活營將於主日 5月15 日 每台彌撒後在聖堂大堂義賣曲奇、蛋糕等小食,為籌得款項支持今年勞動節週末舉行的加東避靜活動。希望大家踴躍支持。 On Sunday, May 15, representatives of the Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp will be holding an outreach/info session and bake sale at the foyer after every mass and accepting donations to...
  • A silhouette of a woman's hand casting a ballot
    Archdiocese of Toronto Hosts an Ontario Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective
    Posted: May-03-2022
    With the official start of the 2022 Ontario general election campaign upon us, the Archdiocese of Toronto is pleased to announce that we will host another “Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective” on Wednesday, May 18 starting at...
  • YOSAC logo
    Thank you for your support & generosity!
    Posted: Apr-29-2022
    YOSAC has raised a total of $ 8,700.00 from their Bake Sale and Art Auction fundraiser. Thank you for your support and generosity! YOSAC retreat registration is now full. Please continue to pray for our youth!! YOSAC青年為避靜籌款舉行的義賣曲奇餅及藝術品拍賣共籌得 $8,700...
  • Peace be with you
    Parking restriction reminder
    Posted: Apr-22-2022
    泊車限制提醒除Rodick Road 全日不准泊車外,Lazenby Ct. 於星期日上午 8 時至下午 2 時也不准車輛於路邊停泊。教堂停車塲亦禁止雙行泊車。請切勿違例泊車, 並善用堂區於主日、星期六提前彌撒及特別節日提供之穿梭巴士服務及St. Augustine Catholic High School 之停車塲。多謝合作! Parking restriction reminderPlease be reminded that other than Rodick Road which is a 24 hour No Parking Zone, parking is...