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  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 天主之愛,因著對近人之愛而得以圓滿
    Posted: May-03-2024
    耶穌教給我們的誡命只有一條,就是“愛”。這一條愛的誡命,分為兩個方面,即是愛天主和愛近人。聖若望宗徒轉述耶穌的教導說:「如果我們彼此相愛,天主就存留在我們內,祂的愛在我們內才是圓滿的。 」(若一4:12) 為什麼若望宗徒說,當我們愛近人的時候,天主的愛才得到圓滿? 聖女加大利納在她的《對話錄》中解釋說,如果天主要求我們以祂對我們那樣的愛來同等程度愛祂的話,那麼,我們是不可能做到的,因為天主先以無限的愛而愛了我們。我們反過來愛天主是應當做的事情,是一種義務,因為我們虧欠天主;但是,天主愛我們並非是出於義務,而是白白的恩賜。所以,我們無法直接向天主回報祂的愛。為了這個原因,天主把近人放在我們中間作為仲介,使得我們無法對天主所做的事情,可以對我們的近人做。也就是說,我們無法對天主還報的愛,應該在近人身上去施行,應該不求感恩...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - The Love of God will become Perfect in the Love of Neighbours
    Posted: May-03-2024
    The only commandment Jesus taught us is “Love”. This commandment of love has two phases: Love of God and love of neighbor. John the Apostle restated Jesus’ teaching: “If we love one another, God remains in...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 葡萄樹與枝條
    Posted: Apr-26-2024
    耶穌在最後晚餐時,對門徒們說:「我是真葡萄樹,我父是園丁。凡在我身上不結果實的枝條,他便剪掉;凡結果實的,他就清理,使他結更多的果實。」(若15 : 1-3)「我父受光榮,即在於你們多結果實…常存的果實。」(若15 : 8, 16) 我們必須與耶穌有親密的關係,方可結更多的果實。透過聖洗聖事,我們被移植至真的葡萄樹––耶穌,而成為枝條。因著聖父作為園丁所給予我們的恩寵,葡萄樹與枝條才有生命。葡萄樹從地上吸取養份,而枝條則從葡萄樹吸取養料與水。葡萄樹乃生命的泉源,使枝條得以開花結果。假如枝條被剪掉,它們即會乾枯死亡。 耶穌是真葡萄樹,給予枝條生命。它飼養枝條,確保它們得到結果實所需之精神食糧與養份,聖神之果實...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- The Vine and Branches
    Posted: Apr-26-2024
    During the Last Supper, Jesus said to his disciples, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit and everyone that does he prunes...
  • Lumen Gentium Forum
    Fellowship program for young Catholic professionals launching in Archdiocese of Toronto
    Posted: Apr-25-2024
    To celebrate the launch of the Lumen Gentium Forum, a program of CAAP-Canada in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Toronto hosted by the Newman Centre, program coordinators Brendan Steven and Robin D’Souza took time to explain the...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 善牧主日
    Posted: Apr-19-2024
    耶穌說:『我是善牧』。我們中的許多人都不是牧人。但是我們看過綿羊,知道牠們是溫良的動物,無法抵抗凶猛的動物。綿羊跟隨牠的牧人,你可能會注意到,牧人走在羊的前面,叫牠們,牠們也跟隨他。 牧者一詞意味著負責任的領導,熱愛他的職責和對他人的關心的形象。舊約的先知們說天主是真正的牧者時,他們就把他理解為真正關心祂子民的人。當耶穌說「我是善牧」時,祂的意思是祂做的是好牧人所做的事,即好牧人知道他的羊。 即使有一百隻羊,他也知道羊的名字。耶穌作為好牧人,「按名字」認識我們每個人,也瞭解我們最內在的需求。 善牧帶領他的羊,使牠們安全有保障,並看顧牠們。耶穌帶領我們在教會中安全可靠。他用自己的體和血作了我們的食物。祂寬恕我們的罪行,並帶領我們到達永恆的家。主說:「我是善牧」,善牧為他的羊捨掉的生命。耶穌作為我們的善牧,祂犧牲了自己,使我們擺脫了罪惡。 祂...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Good Shepherd Sunday
    Posted: Apr-19-2024
    Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd”. Most of us are not shepherds, but we must have seen sheep and know that they are gentle animals and are not able to fend for themselves against ferocious animals. The...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 走在厄瑪烏路上 …
    Posted: Apr-12-2024
    有過走在厄瑪烏路上的心情嗎 ? 那是無奈與無望的失落,要告別耶路撒冷 ! 但在厄瑪烏的路上,耶穌祢竟親自走近失落信仰的心靈,再次用祢的聖言喚醒我生命的希望: 「唉!無知的人哪!為信先知們所說的一切話,你們的心竟是這般遲鈍!默西亞不是必須受這些苦難,纔進入他的光榮嗎?他於是從梅瑟及眾先知開始,把全部《經書》論及他的話,都給他們解釋了」。(路廿四 25 - 27) 。 耶穌祢的堅持,讓我想起小時候學寫字,小手也是遲鈍,爸爸也如祢般耐心重複教我,我偷懶不寫時,他帶笑靜看,等著,等著,眼神像祢 !爸爸做的是想我一生幸褔;祢做的是想我永生幸褔。 然而,遲鈍的我, 時間總是浪費在埋怨,在批評別人的不對,忘了祢教我要活在當下,要不判斷,且無權定別人的罪。埋怨,憤怒...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- On the Road to Emmaus
    Posted: Apr-12-2024
    Have you ever felt how they felt on the road to Emmaus? A feeling of malaise and loss, saying goodbye to Jerusalem! However, on the road to Emmaus, Jesus yourself came close to the lost souls, awakening my hope in...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 聖言是天主的話
    Posted: Apr-05-2024
    「聾」,在聖經中,比喻人被虛假的聲音迷惑,拒絕天主的話。這種狀態是很可怕,是一種重病,不過天主答應可以治愈它。為了更好地理解這樣的訊息,我們需要經常重複以下的話:「主,請賜我一顆善於聆聽祢話語的心。」 馬爾谷福音七章 31-37 節描述耶穌治好聾啞人如此説:有人給耶穌帶來一個又聾又啞的人,求祂給他覆手。耶穌便領他離開群眾,來到一邊,把手指放進他的耳朵裏,並用唾沫,抹他的舌頭,然後望天嘆息,向他說:「厄法達」就是說:「開了罷!」他的耳朵就立時開了,舌結也解了,說話也清楚了。人都不勝驚奇說:「祂所做的一切都好:使聾子聽見,叫啞吧說話。」 「聽」,一般都是指天主,像依撒意亞先知所肯定的:「祂不是聾子」(依 59...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- The “Word” is the Word of the Lord
    Posted: Apr-05-2024
    “Deaf”, in the Bible, means being bewildered by false sound and rejecting God’s Word. This is a terrible situation and is a serious sickness, yet God has promised to cure it. In order to better understand...
  • Jonathan Michael in The Sacred Project
    The Sacred Project: Cantor Jonathan Michael highlights passion for sacred music in upcoming television series
    Posted: Mar-22-2024
    Jonathan Michael has been a cantor in Catholic parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto for 42 years. A graduate of the world-renowned St. Michael’s Choir School in downtown Toronto, the singer went on to post-secondary studies...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 少說閒話
    Posted: Mar-22-2024
    一、熱鬧場所,能躲避,便當躲避;因爲談論世俗事情,縱然有純正的意向,也不能無害。我們很容易被虛幻的俗事所玷污,所籠絡。我巴不得從前曾多次緘口不言,不雜在人羣當中。說閒話,既是屢次能叫我們帶着受傷的良心重歸於靜默,爲什麼我們還要喜歡那樣的彼此閒談呢?推其原故,是因爲大家湊到一起,你說我笑,彼此安慰一番,好解心中的煩悶。何況,我們更願意多想多談我們所好或所惡的事情。 二、可惜,這全是白費光陰,因爲這外來的安慰,嚴重地危害內心的、來自天主的神慰。所以當提高警覺,盡心祈禱,以後不要白費光陰。應當說話時,當揀有益處的話說。人不謹慎口舌,多是因爲養成了惡習,怠忽進修。至若熱心談論超性的事理,則能裨益進德修業,特別是志同道合的弟兄們用此在天主內相互聯結,則爲益尤大。 你們的王新亮神父選自...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- On Avoiding Talkativeness
    Posted: Mar-22-2024
    Avoid public gatherings as much as possible, for the discussion of worldly affairs becomes a great hindrance, even though it be with the best of intentions, for we are quickly corrupted and ensnared by vanity. Often I wish I had...
  • St. Augustine SS Attends Ordinandi Youth Event
    When we throw ourselves into Jesus’ arms, we always win!
    Posted: Mar-21-2024
    The 2024 Ordinandi Youth Event took place on Tuesday, March 19. The following is a reflection on the day written by DPCDSB student Kierra who was in attendance. My name is Kierra and I’m a student at St...
  • St. Mike's Campus Ministry
    St. Michael’s College Campus Ministry setting the tone for Holy Week through song and prayer
    Posted: Mar-20-2024
    On Sunday, March 24 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto will be hosting a day-long workshop on the spirituality and practice of praying the...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 生命,生於死亡
    Posted: Mar-15-2024
    2004 年5 月16 日,教會冊封了一位普通的婦女為聖人,她的名字是聖吉安娜 (St. Gianna Beretta Molla) 。吉安娜 1922 年出生於義大利一個熱心教友家庭。 她熱心參與使徒工作,並且加入一些善會服務。結婚後生育了四個子女。她本人又是一名醫生,藉著行醫,細心關懷和照顧病弱者。 在她懷孕最小的女兒期間,被診斷出腫瘤,需要做手術終止懷孕才能保全自己的生命。但是,她清楚地表示:「如果必須在我與孩子之間做一個選擇,無需猶豫,一定要選擇孩子。」她在生下第四個女兒以後,很快就去世了。她的選擇,為生命的神聖與尊嚴做了見證。吉安娜是一位普通的妻子和醫生,但是,她是一位偉大的母親,她真正用自己的生命換來了女兒的生命。 耶穌說:「一粒麥子如果不落在地裡死了,仍然只是一粒 ; 如果死了,才結出許多子粒來...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Life Born From Death
    Posted: Mar-15-2024
    On May, 2005, the Church canonized an ordinary woman as a Saint. Her name is Gianna Beretta Molly. She was born in 1922 of a devout Italian family. She was enthusiastic in evangelizing work and participated in many Church activities...
  • ShareLife Logo
    Living the Gospel Through ShareLife
    Posted: Mar-13-2024
    The weekend of Sunday, March 17 marks the first ShareLife Sunday of 2024. ShareLife is one of the principal ways that the Archdiocese of Toronto lives by the Gospel by helping our neighbours in need. Below, Arthur Peters, Executive Director...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 十字架與蛇
    Posted: Mar-08-2024
    傳統來說,今天被稱為歡樂主日,此乃出自進堂詠開首的字句:與耶路撒冷一同喜樂。今天可用玫瑰色的祭衣,以代替紫色的祭衣,祭台亦可用花裝飾。 教會以此提醒我們,喜樂可與痛苦、苦難及屈辱並存。當我們接近十字架之痛苦及屈辱,我們知道救贖的臨近。當我們以人的目光看十字架,它乃是屈辱與痛苦之象徵。 但當我們以被釘死的耶穌之眼光看十字架,它則變成救贖、完成及光榮的象徵。任何人看著它、相信它,將可得永生,因為世界之光,耶穌基督,已經降臨並驅除黑暗。因此我們可滿懷喜樂:所有愛慕耶路撒冷的人,都應與它一同歡樂。 你可否記得撒旦如何裝成蛇的模樣來欺騙亞當、厄娃,引致他們犯原罪嗎?(創世紀3 : 4—5)蛇成為毁滅及屈辱的象徵。然而,很多以色列人在抱怨逃離埃及之旅與及横過紅海後,在曠野被蛇咬死。但在他們悔改,認錯後,天主囑咐梅瑟造一條蛇...