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  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 喜樂於上主
    Posted: Dec-15-2023
    「喜樂於上主,就是你們的力量!」(厄下 8:10)這些話鼓舞人心。然而,我常常抱怨多過喜樂。感謝主創造了我們並熟知我們的局限:「因為我的思念不是你們的思念,你們的行徑也不是我的行徑: 上主的斷語」(依 55:8)。 我們經常錯誤地將幸福與喜樂等同起來。幸福是一種短暫 的感情,與內在心境的喜樂不同。這是一項挑戰。但天主的恩 寵確實在我們的生活中發揮作用,因此這並非完全難以做到。 記住,保祿宗徒告訴我們「我們有基督的心意」(格前 2:16)。 擁有基督的心意,向耶穌尋求線索。 「你們原是為此而蒙召,因基督也為你們受了苦,給你們留下了榜樣,叫你們追隨 他的足跡」(伯前 2:21)。這是理解喜樂的關鍵...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Rejoicing in The Lord
    Posted: Dec-15-2023
    “Rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!” (Neh 8:10) These words are inspiring. Yet I often complain more than I rejoice. Thankfully, the Lord created us and is familiar with our limitations: “For My thoughts...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 聖誕你有什麼禮物送給耶穌?
    Posted: Dec-08-2023
    在聖誕節,我們通常會贈送禮物給我們所愛和關心的人。你有沒有想過送份禮物給耶穌呢?畢竟,聖誕節是祂的生日啊!你可能會問:「耶穌想要我們送什麼禮物給祂?」 或許以下的故事能給你一些啟發: 聖熱羅尼莫 (Saint Jerome 公元 347-420 年) 用了很多年的時間將聖經翻譯成拉丁語。聖人在聖誕節前幾天完成了他這個偉大的工作。為了慶祝,聖人決定在附近的白冷度過平安夜。大約在午夜時分,聖人聽到一把輕柔的聲音叫他的名字:「熱羅尼莫!」聖人很驚訝……困惑地環顧四周……什麼也沒有……沒有人在那裡!過了一會兒,他又聽到了同樣的聲音:「熱羅尼莫!」聲音是從聖窟 (Holy Grotto) 之中傳來的。那個聲音繼續說道...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - What Christmas Present Do You Have for Jesus?
    Posted: Dec-08-2023
    It is a Christmas tradition to send gifts to people whom we love and care for. Have you ever considered sending a Christmas present to Jesus? After all, Christmas is HIS birthday. “What kind of gifts Jesus would like...
  • Clerical Collar
    Largest Ordination Class in the History of St. Augustine's Seminary
    Posted: Dec-06-2023
    The following is taken from the Fall/Winter edition of the St. Augustine's Seminary newsletter, In Deum. To read the full publication, please click here.  If there was ever an inspirational story about the joy of the priestly...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 屬靈戰爭的級別
    Posted: Dec-01-2023
    Fr. Chad Ripperger 是一位受過專業訓練的驅魔人,有十多年豐富的驅魔經驗。他在【屬靈的戰爭】以及【牠們不同的級別】提到,我們全部被徵召到戰場上!我們通常會認為魔鬼是阻礙我們聖化的東西,只有當我們對牠們投降時,那才是真的。魔鬼不斷地試著要讓我們犯罪,好讓我們變壞。如果我們有惡習,我們就會變得軟弱,牠就更容易打擊我們。但是,如果我們和牠們搏鬥,對抗牠們時,我們就會開始發展「聖化的完美」美德,意即有天主聖三居住在我們的靈魂內,所以,魔鬼實際上反而變成煉淨我們的工具。 如果在你的生命中,有那些慣常犯的罪,那是「主」在告訴你要你在那個範疇上修到完美的美德,因為經由這個搏鬥,你發展出那個完美的美德,所以我們應該更加努力在這個我們特別會跌倒的地方,修練到那個完美的境界。 【屬靈戰爭的級別】有哪些呢?最低的級別...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Levels of Spiritual Warfare
    Posted: Dec-01-2023
    Fr. Chad Ripperger is a professionally trained exorcist and has more than ten years’ experience in exorcism. He mentioned in his “Levels of Spiritual Warfare” and “The Different Levels” that we all are called to...
  • Altar servers with Bishop Nguyen
    Altar Server Awards 2023
    Posted: Nov-28-2023
    For 36 years, the Greater Toronto Area Serra Clubs have been recognizing the service and achievements of altar servers from parishes across the Archdiocese of Toronto through the annual Bishop’s Altar Server Awards for Service. Each year, local...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 繼續尋根
    Posted: Nov-24-2023
    舊的祈禱經文真的很美,多用文言文編寫,遣辭用字,簡潔精準,盡得博大中華文化精粹。 天主十誡 一,欽崇一天主萬有之上。二,毋呼天主聖名,以發虛誓。三,守瞻禮之日。四,孝敬父母。五,毋殺人。六,毋行邪淫。七,毋偷盜。八,毋妄證。九,毋願他人妻。十,毋偷他人財物。上十誡總歸二者,愛天主萬有之上,及愛人如己。 聖教四規 一,凡主日,及一總罷工瞻禮日,該參與全彌撒。二,該遵守聖教所定齋期。三,該告解領聖體,每年至少一次...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Pray, Continue Praying the Prayers of Old
    Posted: Nov-24-2023
    The old prayers are beautifully written in classical Chinese. Phrases and words used are concise and precise, fully reflecting the essence of the Chinese culture. The Ten Commandments: I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods...
  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Preview
    Helping Children Grow Closer to God
    Posted: Nov-23-2023
    Anna Boyagoda, Director of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the Archdiocese of Toronto, answers a few of the most common questions about the CGS ministry. 1. What is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? The Catechesis of the...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 冷淡
    Posted: Nov-17-2023
    基督說:孩子,在靈修生活中,冷淡就是不全心事奉天主的代名詞。冷淡的人通常並不逃避義務。但他對於盡義務卻一點也不熱心。他總是想法做得愈少愈好,而且往往是因循苟且。他已失去了事奉我的興趣。 每逢你在事奉我的任務上開始冷淡下來時,你便應當去請教神師。 因為在這時你的靈魂正開始步入個危險的境界,你的前途可能因此受到難以預料的影響。冷淡的靈魂總是畏難苟安的。 所以每逢冷淡時它便開始向周遭的事物中尋求安慰。冷淡的人就等於染上了一種足以致靈魂於死地的疾病; 而那行將殺害他靈魂的病菌,就是懶惰與俗念。 默想:或早或晚,人人都要經歷到冷淡的心境的滋味,一旦陷入這種心境中,神修者就會暫時失去為天主、為天國工作的興奮和熱心了; 而真正冷淡的人,就是讓這冷淡的心境繼續下去,變成習慣。結果,他既無心祈禱,也不害怕,不抵抗誘感。 陷入冷淡而不肯振作起來的人,不用說,是一定要失落許多聖寵和修德的機會的。 更會在不知不覺中,他將失去辨別犯罪機會的能力。 漸漸墮入大罪。 祈禱:主,請保護我...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Spiritual Tepidity
    Posted: Nov-17-2023
    CHRIST said, “MY CHILD, spiritual tepidity is another name for halfhearted service of God. A tepid man does not usually avoid his duty, but neither is he enthusiastic about it. He does as little as possible, and often does...
  • Msgr. James Hannah
    A Life of Service
    Posted: Nov-15-2023
    In light of the annual Shepherds' Trust collection for retired priests taking place this weekend (Nov. 18/19), here's a look at Msgr. James Hannah's journey in service to the Church.  Msgr. James Hannah knows the...
  • Red Wednesday
    Red Wednesday: For Persecuted Christians Worldwide
    Posted: Nov-10-2023
    For almost ten years now, Red Wednesday has been a must-attend international event for a growing number of Christians around the world. "Not only do our national offices raise awareness among Catholics, as well as the benefactors and friends...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 煉靈月慎終追遠
    Posted: Nov-10-2023
    教會是由三部分組成:天上的教會(勝利的教會)、地上的教會(旅途中的教會)、煉獄中的教會(煉淨的教會)。處於教會這三個不同部分裡的弟兄姊妹,都藉著基督、偕同基督、在基督內,同屬一個教會、一個肢體。所以,在基督的奧體內,天上、地上和煉獄中的人,都彼此相連,並且可以互相扶持、彼此代禱、共融通功,這就是 “諸聖相通功”的信仰。 已經進入永福的聖人聖女,因著他們的愛德,在天主前不斷為所有尚未進入天堂的弟兄姊妹祈禱,祈求天主賜恩寵和助佑給每一個需要幫助的人。我們處於旅途中的教會的人,因著我們的祈禱、領受聖事、做補贖,既可以有助於我們自身的得救,又可以幫助到煉獄靈魂,加速他們的淨化,早日得升天堂。煉獄裡面可能有我們的親人、朋友正在做補贖...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Month of the Souls in Purgatory
    Posted: Nov-10-2023
    The Church is composed of three sections: The Heavenly Church (the Victory Church), the Church on Earth (the Pilgrim Church), the Church in Purgatory (the Refining Church). All the brothers and sisters in these three sections belong to the one...
  • Mary as portrayed in Journey to Bethlehem
    Musical Film: Journey to Bethlehem
    Posted: Nov-09-2023
    A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honour. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his crown. JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM — a live-action Christmas musical adventure for the...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 -- 作為基督門徒的職責
    Posted: Nov-03-2023
    很多人認為世人可分為两類人––領袖及從屬。領導者管理他的從屬,而從屬則聴從他們的領袖。在教會內,很多教徒也有相同的觀念。主教、神父及平信徒的領導者屬於第一類而平信徒則屬於第二類。領導階層管理教會而平信徒只須跟隨。 但事實上,教會祇有一種人––我們全是基督的門徒。我們只有一種身份––天主的子民及罪人。當然,我們每人在基督奧體內,即教會內,都有不同的職務––作為宗徒、先知、傳教士、司祭及教師等等,以不同的方式服務我們的弟兄姊妹。 今天的讀經告訴我們作為領導者及門徒當如何履行職責。我們均是基督的門徒,被召喚跟祂一般地從事服務。 首要的職責當如先知瑪拉基亞在今天的讀經一所言:聽從天主。聽從天主就是祇關注天主的意旨而不是人們的意願。當我們不能做到時,我們便是濫用權力、把我們的意願蓋過其他人的意願...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner -- Christian Discipleship
    Posted: Nov-03-2023
    Many people think the world is divided into two kinds of people – leaders and subjects Leaders govern their subjects while subjects obey their leaders. In the church, many Catholics have similar belief. Bishops, priests and the lay leaders, all...