Midland Pilgrimage Banner


大多倫多天主教華人堂區每年一度的大朝聖已訂於 7月13日 (星期六) 於安省米蘭市加拿大殉道聖人聖地舉行。大會非常榮幸邀請到主教 Robert Kasun 主持彌撒聖祭。

鼓勵參加朝聖的本堂教友,請在當日穿著堂區 T-Shirt。現有少量 T-Shirts 會於 6月29及30日 主日彌撒後在大堂發售。數量有限,欲購從速。

Midland Pilgrimage 2024 - Poster  

Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage - Midland, Ontario
The annual Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage will be held on Saturday, July 13 at the Martyrs’ Shrine. The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Robert Kasun. 

SATCC Parishioners are encouraged to wear our Parish T-shirts which will be available for purchase in the foyers on June 29 & 30.