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結婚週年祝福禮 / Blessing of Couples Celebrating Their Wedding Anniversaries

Posted : May-18-2023

本堂將於 9月 17日 (主日) 中午12時,於 31週年堂慶彌撒中特別為結婚週年夫婦舉行 『祝福禮』。凡本堂登記教友在 2023年 1月 1日至 12月 31日期間,慶祝結婚20、25、30、35、40、45、50或以上週年者,請備妥領洗紙及教堂結婚證書副本於 8月 6日 前到堂區辦事處填寫報名表格。

Blessing of Couples Celebrating Their Wedding Anniversaries
Parishioners celebrating their 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th , 50th and higher wedding anniversaries in 2023 will be blessed at the 31st Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, September 17 at 12:00 p.m. Couples who wish to take part may bring with them their Certificate of Baptism and copy of their Marriage Certificate to register at the Parish Office on or before August 6, 2023.