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按多倫多教區的特別傳統,各天主教墳場每年均會為亡者舉行追思彌撒。今年的追思彌撒將於 8 月 14 日星期三晚上 7 時舉行。詳情請參閱張貼於大堂的海報。 相關資訊:
Hands praying - wooden Rosary
2024 - 2025 初領聖體、告解班 / First Reconciliation & First Communion Class
凡升讀二年級並準備初領聖體、告解的學生,請於10 月 2 日 (星期三) 晚上 7 時 30 分出席課程簡介會。在填寫報名表格前,請先下載並閱覧簡介、課程及規則。如有疑問,可電郵 Cecilia...
2024-2025 堅振班招生 / Confirmation Class Registration
凡升讀七或八年級並準備領受堅振聖事的學生,請於 10 月 1 日 (星期二) 晚上 8 時參與課程簡介會。在填寫報名表格前,請先下載並閱覧簡介、課程及規則。如有疑問、可電郵 Katie Zou ( youthminister...
Midland - CTA Rollup
天主教華人堂區大朝聖 / Chinese Catholic Parish Joint Pilgrimage
 大多倫多天主教華人堂區每年一度的大朝聖已訂於 7 月 13 日 (星期六) 於安省米蘭市加拿大殉道聖人聖地舉行。大會非常榮幸邀請到主教 Robert Kasun 主持彌撒聖祭。敬請留意大堂的海報。 瀏覽有關朝聖日詳情 Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint...

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Markham, ON
L6C 1S7

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2130 Rodick Road
Markham, ON
L6C 1S7

t:  905.887.7922

Rev. Thomas (Siew Pew) Loh CDD

Rev. John B. (Xinliang) Wang CDD
Associate Pastor

Rev. Matthew (Tianwei) Wang CDD
Associate Pastor

Parish Staff
Sister Magdalena Yang, OP
Pastoral Assistant

Katie Zou
Youth Minister​

Michelle Fan
Parish Secretary

Josephine Kam
Parish Office Assistant Volunteer

Jackie Lam

​Operation & Maintenance Team (OMT)

CDD logo
The Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord
When Archbishop Costantini arrived in China as the First Apostolic Delegate to the country, he was already aware that evangelization to people of this nation of splendid ancient civilization could not be easily done without wisdom and true conviction. Though foreign missionaries had been carrying out their evangelization work in China for over three hundred years, Christianity never took root in the country. Thus, Archbishop Costantini wanted to localize the Church for both the mainland Chinese and overseas Chinese. On 4th January 1927, he applied to the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (the present Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples) for the establishment of the first Chinese Catholic religious order, the Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord (CDD).
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