32週年堂慶彌撒將於 9月 22日 (主日) 正午12時舉行,於彌撒中特別為結婚週年夫婦舉行 『祝福禮』。[瀏覽詳情...]
為慶祝 32 週年堂慶及龔焞執事榮休兼晉秩三十週年紀念,堂區將於 9月 22日(星期日)假新旺角廣場帝寶名宴舉辦聯歡晚宴。餐券每位70元正,將於 8月24日 下午 3時30分開始在大堂攤位發售。歡迎教友帶同親友參與。
The 32nd Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, September 22 at 12:00 p.m. It...
按多倫多教區的特別傳統,各天主教墳場每年均會為亡者舉行追思彌撒。今年的追思彌撒將於 8 月 14 日星期三晚上 7 時舉行。詳情請參閱張貼於大堂的海報。
相關資訊: https://www.catholic-cemeteries.ca/news/annual-mass-for-the-faithful-departed-wednesday-august-14-2024/
Archdiocese of Toronto invites all families within the Archdiocese of Toronto to...
大多倫多天主教華人堂區每年一度的大朝聖已訂於 7 月 13 日 (星期六) 於安省米蘭市加拿大殉道聖人聖地舉行。大會非常榮幸邀請到主教 Robert Kasun 主持彌撒聖祭。敬請留意大堂的海報。
Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage - Midland, Ontario
The annual Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage will be held on Saturday, July 13 at the Martyrs’ Shrine...
YOSAC Retreat RegistrationGod is calling high school students and youth to spend the Victoria Day long weekend for strengthening their faith in Him! The annual YOSAC Youth Retreat will take place at The Valley of the Mother of God, from...
由多倫多天主教墓園主辦, 本堂及其他四個華人堂區協辦的華人清明節追思感恩祭,定於 4 月 6 日 (星期六),下午 2 時於 康山聖十字架天主教墓園的聖家陵墓館舉行。彌撒以國、粵進行。歡迎各位教友參加,為亡者及先人祈禱。
Ching Ming Remembrance Mass at Holy Cross
The 2024 Ching Ming Remembrance Mass will be held in the Holy Family Mausoleum at Holy Cross...
本堂清明節追思彌撒將於 4 月 4 日 (星期四) 晚上 7 時正以國、粵語舉行,當晚彌撒意向特別為本堂教友之已亡親友祈禱。教友若想奉獻彌撒,請先填妥親友名字於祈禱冊上並填妥特別奉獻信封後,連同獻儀一起投入特設之奉獻箱內。
Ching Ming Memorial Mass
A memorial mass (Cantonese / Mandarin) will be celebrated at 7:00pm on Thursday, April 4. The mass is intended for deceased family...
Eastern Canadian Chinese Catholic Living Camp (Ga Tong), which is a young adult retreat during Labour Day weekend, would like to invite all young adults age 17-35 to our first social of the year which will take place in...
堂區一年一度的籌款綜合晚會將於本年 11月中舉行。籌委會現巳成立,並開始招募場刋設計、節目統籌及晚會制作之義務工作人員。有興趣參加者,請向堂區辦事處查詢及報名。讓我們齊心合力辦好這項活動,實現「堂區是我家,齊來建設她」。
Volunteers Recruitment for Variety Show 2024
Our 2024 Parish Annual Fundraising Variety Show will be held in November this year. An organizing committee has been formed and is now...