11月 2日 (星期四) 是追思亡者日。彌撒時間為早上 8 時 (粵)、上午 11 時 (粵) 及晚上 7 時正 (國、粵)。教友若想為已故親友奉獻彌撒,請於祈禱冊填上已故親友名字,並填妥特別奉獻信封,連同獻儀一起投入特設之奉獻箱內。
November 2, Thursday, is All Souls’ Day. Masses will be celebrated at 8:00am (Cantonese) ; 11:00am(Cantonese...
本堂「烈治文山第六旅童軍」於10 月 21 及22 日 各台彌撒後籌募經費,屆時亦會送贈蘋果予各捐款者。敬祈各教友踴躍支持。
Scouts' Apple DayThe Scouts' Apple Day will be held on October 21 & 22. The Beavers will be handing out apples for donations before and after mass. Thank you for...
依多倫多總教區指示,本堂將在 10 月 21、22 日的各台彌撒中為「普世傳教節」收取特別奉獻。請教友們利用聖堂內跪凳上的特别信封,連同獻儀於該主日彌撒中投入奉獻籃內。請踴躍支持,慷慨捐獻!
World Mission SundayThere will be a special collection for World Mission Sunday on October 21 & 22. The envelopes for this collection can be found in the...
Our parish youth group, YOSAC, will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month to deepen our faith with each other through games, faith discussions and prayer. This year, we will be exploring Life in the Holy Spirit...
多倫多總教區 Archbishop Leo 總主教邀請總教區內各團體一起向聖彌額爾總領天使 奉獻九日敬禮 ( 9月20-28日),以迎接2023年9月29日的聖彌額爾總領天使瞻禮。(*聖彌額爾總領天使也是多倫多總教區的主保)
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Our Young Adult Bible Study Program, Kerygma, is resuming in person in October. The theme this year is “Eucharist”. We meet every 3rd Friday of the month at 8pm. If you want to find out more about...
本堂曹靈康修生將於10 月14 日星期六上午10 時於聖曹桂英堂晉陞執事。彌撒聖祭將由多倫多總主教方濟各里奥主禮。歡迎教友參與。詳情請參閱大堂海報。
Diaconate OrdinationBr. Jeremy Zou will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, October 14 at 10:00 a.m. in our church. The Ordination Mass will be celebrated by the...
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Thanks to the parishioners who reached out to alert us regarding a fraudulent email with some links in the content sent in the last couple of days that claimed to have come from the...