夫婦同心會將於 10 月 11 至 13 日在密西沙加市的Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre...
哥倫布騎士會為 Good Shepherd 籌集愛心雞飯,10 月 19 及 20 日 彌撒後在大堂特設攤位派發空盒,並於...
一年一度的籌款綜合晚會將於11 月16 日 (星期六) 晚上 6 時 30 分假萬錦劇院舉行。本年晚會的主題為 「堂區是我家、齊來建設她...
Are you interested in learning more about our Catholic faith? Do you...
Our mission is to organize a peaceful campaign of fasting and prayer...
We are having Marian Fasting Retreat scheduled on Oct. 12 and 13...
Beyond images of fire and falling stars, the Book of Revelation develops...
Join our Catholic Moms Group Leader, Candice Pingol at St. Catherine of...
This virtual workshop hosted on Zoom will be facilitated by Dorothy Pilarski...
St. Christopher's Catholic Moms Group is joining forces with St. Christopher...
Beginning on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 7 p.m., our fall Bible...
Day Trip to London, Ont. on Fri, Oct 18$70 per person...